Festivities in Extremadura

Cherry Blossom Festival

Cherry Blossom Festival


Cherry flowers cover the Jerte Valley in a blanket of white, endowing it with great beauty.


Mancomunidad de Municipios del Valle del Jerte, Cáceres

Cross-border Jornadas del Gurumelo

Cross-border Jornadas del Gurumelo


Since 2007, the village of Villanueva del Fresno celebrates the gurumelo, a wild mushroom that grows and is much sought after in the south west of the peninsula. It grows on the dehesa between holm oak and ash, under the rockrose bushes, especially the gum rockrose (Cistus ladanifer). The festival, which is held in March, includes trips to the countryside, tastings, talks on mushroom-picking and other activities.


Plaza de España, 1 Villanueva del Fresno, Badajoz

Llerena traditional extremaduran pig slaughter

Llerena traditional extremaduran pig slaughter


This town in the administrative region called La Campiña Sur pays tribute to one of the most important moments of Extremaduran gastronomic culture: “la matanza” (the Slaughter). There is no shortage of typical pastries or dishes like migas (fried breadcrumbs), cocido (stew) and prueba de cerdo (cooked pork).


Plaza de España, 1 Llerena, Badajoz

Holy Week in Jerez de los Caballeros

Holy Week in Jerez de los Caballeros


The popular devotion that characterises a Week of Passion declared a Festivity of National Tourist Interest


Jerez de los Caballeros, Badajoz

Holy Week in Caceres

Holy Week in Caceres


Its aesthetic appeal and the Black Christ crucifix in procession are just some of the main attractions of Holy Week in Caceres.


Cáceres, Cáceres

Holy Week in Badajoz

Holy Week in Badajoz


A Festivity of International Tourist Interest that adorns the streets of Badajoz with some of the most beautiful samples of Christian imagery in existence.


Badajoz, Badajoz

Holy Week in Mérida

Holy Week in Mérida


The via crucis in the Roman Amphitheatre in the early morning of Holy Saturday is without a doubt one of the most overwhelming of Holy Week in Spain.


Mérida, Badajoz

Holy Week in Plasencia

Holy Week in Plasencia


During Holy Week Plasencia holds one of the most important exhibitions of religious imagery in Extremadura.


Plasencia , Cáceres

Easter Week in Trujillo

Easter Week in Trujillo


Thanks to its long history (almost 500 years) and its originality, with beautiful images that are taken in procession through the historic quarter, Easter week in Trujillo has earned the Festivity of Tourist Interest in Extremadura designation.


Trujillo, Cáceres

The Living Passion

The Living Passion


The people of Oliva de la Frontera all become actors as they act out Christ's Passion every Holy Week.


Oliva de la Frontera, Badajoz